How did I get here?
My Shibari Kinbaku passion was initially born thanks to my beloved friend and founder of the legendary Barcelona Club Social Rosas5, Kurt. I was deeply impressed by watching how that Helvetian looking man, who sometimes wandered around with a grumpy attitude, lit up and smiled when he spoke about his journeys to Japan and his so admired Sensei, Osada Steve. I felt I could spend the rest of my life listening to his tales about the Far East, losing the sense of time. My frequent journeys to Spain gave me the chance to build a strong and deep friendship with Kurt.
Although our encounters were short, they were very intense. By his side I was able to meet some wonderful people and forge priceless friendships. The creative photographer TENTESION and his lovely medora, and the great rope artist Alfil and his beloved elora were the ones who were always by his side.
One day in 2010 Kurt told me he was happy because Osada Steve had accepted his invitation to travel to Barcelona to teach Shibari workshops for a few weeks and to stay for the Club’s anniversary celebration. I was so happy for him that I asked him to enroll me in all the workshops. This happened again the following year. Thus, without even realizing it, I started learning this wonderful art at the hand of someone as special and generous as Osada Steve is. In time, I got to know him better and learned about his life. One night, after the lesson was over, Kurt made me promise, with Steve as his witness, that I would travel to Tokyo to experience for myself all those stories that he had told me year after year. I feel that I never had a chance to really thank Kurt for all he did for me…
Nowadays I feel glad being able to assist my Sensei in translating his Osada-Ryu projects into Spanish. But, even more important than that, I’m planning my trip to Tokyo to honor that promise I made to Kurt and Steve. I feel that besides being his last wish, my friend Kurt sowed the seeds of a passion that ignited a flame inside me. Even today I treasure as priceless my first set of ropes, the one I received as a gift from his hands. The same set of ropes that I took to Yukimura Sensei workshop, and that still accompany me with that spark of energy that he drove into them…
All this makes me feel really proud to be able to promote what would be the first Shibari/Kinbaku Dojo in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Not only for assisting my Sensei with all Osada-Ryu material translation into Spanish, but also for counting with his approval to start teaching and having my own students.
Those who guided me in my learning path
“You will find several people capable of teaching you bond patterns and knots …
but only a few will be able to give you the freedom to set your own path without suggesting you to imitate them”
Year 2019
July: Collaboration with shibari art at “Cadáver Exquisito” film from PensilvaniaFilm directed by Lucía Vasallo. Photos and Fernando Marticorena at post production. Make Up magic was done by Florencia Grosso. We worked with the tallented Sofía Gala Castiglione and Rafael Spregelburd among other actors. You can see some backstage pictures on our Photo Gallery (on ShibariMania’s Art). This is the first time in Latin American Shibari history that a mainstream film shows real Shibari art.
Februay: Starting Shibari training classes at KinbakuMania Shibari Dojo for year 2019. We divided them at three different levels: starters, intermediates and advanced.
Year 2018
December: Collaboration with shibari art on special photo shoot meant to promote “Cadáver Exquisito” film from PensilvaniaFilm production for Lucía Vasallo. Photos and post production by Fernando Marticorena. Make Up magic byFlorencia Grosso. Within the cast we worked win wonderfull Sofía Gala Castiglione. You can see de backstage pictures on our Photo Gallery (on ShibariMania’s Art). First time in history that a Latinamerican film shows Shibari art.
May: A new ShibariMania artistic intervention about contact impro & ropes together with the amazing deconstructive improvised music duette “So” from Pablo Berardi and Gabriel Caldirola @ghe_kala. A music comterpart and an unconventional improvised rope session with contact impro by Camelia Tsubaki and Maru Marcet. Thank you all!! You may see the full photo shoot album on this link
May: Artistic shibari Collaboration work for Argentinan TELEFE mainstream TV channel production on a series called “Morir de Amor”. First time in history that a Latinamerican mainstream channel and program shows shibari art openlly. You can see backstage pictures on our Photo Gallery and a little demostration of what was showed on TV at
March: Regular 2018 Anual Continuous Learning Classes start at KinbakuMania Shibari Dojo
February: Collaborating participation Osada-Ryu & Yukimura-Ryu certified instructor athe Shibari Workshop held by the Madrid Shibari group at Spain.
February: Participation in the Semenawa 責め縄 & Advanced Transitions Workshop with Peter Soptik & Eis Eva, from czech republic at Madrid. The workshop included some bamboo suspension and transitions techniques as well as different forms of semenawa and predicament shibari.
Year 2017
December: ShibariMania “Shibari & Sushi” photo session with Gabi Cantero. Pictures on this album.
December: ShibariMania photo session with Anita Maidana. Pictures on this album.
November: KinbakuMania Shibari Dojo “Shibari Night” Performance at Buenos Aires Exxxotica in Casa Cordoba. You can see the pictures on this album. There is also a video about the party produced by Rafael Avila. You can see the video on this link.
October: Live Radio interview at #TonightTonight program from Delta 90.3 FM radio hosted by Gino Cingolani and Herman Panessi. You can listen to the podcast of the program in Spanish on this link.
October: KinbakuMania Shibari Dojo Buenos Aires invites Bruce Esinem & Nina Russ to teach the first European riggers with Japanese background workshop in Latin America. You may see some workshop’s photos here (OCT 20th, OCT 21st, OCT 22nd). Photos of Bruce & Nina’s performance here. Meet & Greet photos: here
October: Live radio interview at the #RadioActivo radio program by the popular actor Esteban Prol at Delta FM radio. You can hear that day podcast (in Spanish) at this link.
October: KinbakuMania Shibari Dojo presented two performances at the Taringa! & Radio Delta FM event specially made for launching the TonightTonight program. See pictures on this link.
September: KinbakuMania and ShibariMania performed at Rosario, Santa Fe. To see KinbakuMania Shibari Live Show at Rosario, Santa Fe you can see the pictures here. ShibariMania also did a daylight photoshoot at Rosario Central Train Station with Apsara and HaruTsubaki. You can see pictures here.
July: Photo and video shooting for North American photographer Henry Horenstein’s project.
May: KinbakuMania ShibariDojo’s III Anniversary Celebration with students, models, artists and Dojo’s friends. See pictures at LadoA, LadoB, LadoC, LadoD.
April: Performance at the Explicita event held at the Centro Cultural Efímero. You can watch the video in YouTube
Year 2016
November: Shibari Attack performance at La Cigale Laciba Night. November 11th. See the pictures at this album.
October: Performance at “Hiedrah Club de Baile” con las bichas en Sitges. In this opportunity I did a Shibari Kinbaku performance oriented to the dance community with the music of the two great Sikuri & Alpha S. You can see pictures and videos on these links.
September: Performance at “Siga al Conejo Blanco” (follow the white rabbit) erotic version September edition at el Bardo Bar Cultural. In this opportunity I did a Shibari Kinbaku performance with Nightcrawler using a beautiful soundtrack that Mariano Keselman aka Candy (student of KinbakuMania Shibari Dojo) specially created for me. You can see a video of the performance on this link.
July: Shibari Attack performance at Ciclomostra in Casa Las Ofelias at La Plata (Buenos Aires). We were invited by Petra Difusa. See pictures on this album.
July: Organization of Expo & Perfo at KinbakuMania Dojo. Exhibition of Shibari in Love’s pictures and Broken’s drawings.
July: Leading of the Worldwide and Simultaneous Bondage Picnic organization at Buenos Aires, Argentina.
July: Radio interview about Shibari at “La Nalgada” program conducted by Severina, Capitán Erógeno and Burzmali hosted at the amazing Colombian radio called Radio ErógenaFM. You can listen to the specific program on this link.
June: Photographic exhibition of my rope’s work at the “Imaginarios BDSM” exposition in Bogotá, Colombia.
May: Performance along the Shibari Attack group in the Exxxotica II event held in the venue of “El Emergente”.
April: Performance at EAdA party
March: I was interviewed by the Mexican magazine Tiempo BDSM
Link to the whole magazine number
January: Designed and taught the first KinbakuMania Dojo Workshops organized in four levels and aimed to help people living far from Buenos Aires have the chance to learn Shibari. We’ve received people from Uruguay, Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil (among other countries) in them.
Year 2015
November: Born of the Shibari Attack concept that started in the Cangrejos Bar as a group performance oriented to drive the individual protagonism to fade leaving place for the creativity beauty to shine from the KinbakuMania students group as a whole
November: Buenos Aires Worldwide Bondage Picnic organization and leading including the local rope community both from Shibari and traditional bondage.
October 22nd: Performance at the Exxxotica Buenos Aires event done by the Shibari Attack group altogether with the KinbakuMania Dojo students’ group.
October: Performance at the Devil’s Night party at “La Sede”.
October 3rd: Performance and memorial commemorating dear Kurt Walter Fischer’s passing away held at KinbakuMania Dojo opened for students and invited guests.
August: Performance and memorial commemorating Great Master Akechi Denki’s passing away held at KinbakuMania Dojo opened for students and invited guests.
July 24th: Consulting and participation in the writing of the article “La letra B” (the B letter) published by the Suplemento Soy from the local mainstream newspaper Página 12.
April 11th: My Club Social Rosas5 performance from April 5th was published in the renowned photographer from Barcelona Agustin Tentesión’s book called Shibari Experience among many other worldwide great Shibari performers.
Year 2014:
December: Shibari Performance at the Latin American BDSM Convention together with some of KinbakuMania Shibari Dojo students, at Buenos Aires city.
October: Ten days private and intensive classes with Yukinaga Max 雪長 at the Copenhagen Shibari Dojo in Denmark. I’ve been trained in Semenawa Nanatsuno Hashi(Seven Bridges). I also practiced Yukinaga Max’s version of Tengo hojojutsu (originally transmitted to him by Miura Takumi 神浦匠 Sensei from Tokyo). Nijubishi sho hojojutsu, Nijubishi ni hojojutsu, Nijubishi san hojojutsu and Nijubishi yondan hojojutsu (all originally transmitted by Miura Takumi 神浦匠 Sensei from Tokyo to Yukinaga Max). I also reviewed the Usagi Tsuri Shibari.
I also attended to the Yukinaga Max Sensei Advanced high suspensions Workshop. We saw hojojutsu ties and Yokotsuri transitions to Kero and Embryo.
September: I was certified as a Shiatsu, Kanrenbui, Shuseiho and Okiyoga Therapist at the Buddhist temple of Tengu at Takao-san and at Tadami, Fukushima. Training by Mikito Nagai Sensei, Tatsumura Sensei, Sakamoto Sensei, Sato Sensei and Montoto Sensei.

August and September: One and a half month training staying at Osada Steve Honbu Dojo in Tokyo. Private classes with Yukimura Haruki Sensei and Osada Steve Sensei from Tokyo.

August 31st: Officially named as Yukimura-ryu student and given the bakushi name “HaruTsubaki“.

Osada Steve Sensei considered recognising my advances within his school giving me a new Osada-ryu forth kyu certificate. I feel very honoured and proud to receive this recognition to my efforts and to come back to my dear Buenos Aires with it!

Osada Steve took me with him and we attended to legendary Sensei from Tokyo Miura Takumi “Ability Studio“.
August: One week of private and intensive classes with Yukinaga Max at the Copenhagen Shibari Dojo in Denmark. I practiced Yukinaga Max’s version of Tengo hojojutsu (originally transmitted to him by Miura Takumi Sensei from Tokyo). Nijubishi sho hojojutsu, Nijubishi ni hojojutsu, Nijubishi san hojojutsu and Nijubishi yondan hojojutsu (all originally transmitted by Miura Takumi Sensei from Tokyo to Yukinaga Max). I also reviewed the Usagi Tsuri Shibari.
July: Leading of the Worldwide Bondage Picnic at Buenos Aires City. An open reunion for the rope community in general where we performed suspensions and bondage in general.
May 18th: Opening of KinbakuMania Dojo in Buenos Aires Argentina as the first Shibari Kinbaku Dojo in Latin America oriented to traditional Japanese way of teaching Kinbaku.
April 5th: I’ve Performed at the legendary Club Social Rosas5 in Barcelona along with Pedro Cordhinas from Portugal, Asiana from Holland, MiuMiu from London and me from Argentina for the International Shibari Experience Reunion hosted by Agustin Tentesión to collect some material for his book Shibari Experience published later on April 2015.
April: One week of advanced workshop with Nawashi Kanna Sensei from Tokyo and Kagura-san at Barcelona.

Program: More than five variations over Kanna Sensei’s Ushiro Takatekote, with and without Tasuki and finger decoration (Yubi Shibari), which in part defines his Shibari style. We also reviewed Akechi Denki’s version of the takatekote.
Hojojutsu from Itatsu-ryu school: Hojo Shibari, Jiyumonji Shibari. Honnawa, Torinawa, Hishi Shibari, Kikkou Shibari, Hikitokena, Hayanawa, Hikitokenawa (Kirinawa) which was used in people that were going to be beheaded.
Shinkake Shibari, Agura Shibari and Rydu ude ushiro awase.
Suspensions: Kata Ashi Zuri, Hykiaku zuri (suspensión del cartero o mensajero), Ashi agura Awase, Yokozuri with out transitions (Kanna Sensei’s version).
Teppo Shibari zuri in two different variations: one self choking and another with a bit of giyako ebi.
Two variations or Giyako ebi Zuri.
Year: 2013
October: One week intensive training with Yukinaga Max, staying at Copenhagen Shibari Dojo. On our private classes we trained on: Katazuri, Yokozuri (with transition to Embrio), Ganji Garame, Nijubishi between other Hojo ties, a Hishi TK which can be used for suspension and several Yukimura-ryu techniques on Newaza and Ki-Hairimasu. On the public classes of the Dojo we practised: Hobaku techniques and hands and legs ties from Yukimura-ryu. Also Shakuhachi and Usagi Shibari.
March/April: I took one entire month of intense tuition on Osada-Ryu from Osada Steve Sensei in his Tokyo Honbu Dojo. Osada Steve Sensei generously arranged for me to receive tuition also from Yukimura Haruki, Grandmaster Sensei from Tokyo.
I felt very honoured to be admitted under Osada Steve Sensei’s guidance. After lot of hard work and practice, translating Osada Steve Sensei’s material into Spanish, learning Japanese and my consistent long term commitment of excellence; I was finally back home in Buenos Aires, with my Kyu certificate in Osada-Ryu and my Sensei’s permission to start teaching the basics.
Sensei considered that it would be good for me to receive feedback from different Japanese audiences to improve my style. He arranged for me to perform different special shows at different Tokyo Bars as: Indigo (under Kitagawa-san organization, in Roppongi area), UbuBar (under Yoshida Yoi-san and Shigonawa Bingo-san organization, in Roppongi area) and PinkCrystal (Organized by Maya and her cousin in Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku-ku area). He also arranged for me to visit DX SM LIVE (in the heart of Kabuki-cho, Shinjuku area) where I enriched my vision by seeing other Japanese nawashi performing. It was a great honor for me to share ropes with those renowned riggers like Kinoko san, Bingo san, Yoi san, Kitagawa san at their own usual places as I saw them tie and they saw me tying too.
Year 2012
It was a very difficult year for me. My Sensei, Osada Steve became ill and couldn’t travel as he thought he might. I felt in the dark in need for his guidance. The spark that made me feel better was the opportunity of visiting Copenhagen Shibari Dojo one of the biggest and finest Shibari Dojo in the world leaded by the great nawashi, Yukinaga Max to receive tuition from Yukimura Haruki, legendary Sensei from Tokyo.
August: I’ve attended a workshop organized by Yukinaga Max at the Copenhagen Shibari Dojo. It consisted in 6 hour modules in small groups of 5 couples.
Program: Yukimura-Ryu Newaza, Yukimura-Ryu 2 ropes Gote Shibari, Sarake Dasu, Shuuchinawa, Kotoba seme, Energy Handling (ki) Kihairimasu and Kata Ashi Kaikyaku and Kata Ashi Tsuri variations, weight management of the model’s body techniques.
August: I attended a Peter Slemrian’s Workshop at Copenhagen SMIL on August 2012. It consisted in 6 hour classes in a small groups.
Program: 3 ropes Takatekote (Slemrian-style). Hip harness (Hajime Kinoko style).
April: I’ve attended Kazami Ranki, Sensei from Tokyo (replacing Osada Steve who could not attend) workshop organized by ESINEM at The Flying Dutchman, London. It consisted in a 40 hour in total tuition held in small groups of couples.
Day 1: Hishi-shibari, Kazami-Ryu (Kazami style).
Complete Hishi-shibari (including whole body, torso and legs).
Day 2: Yoko-zuri, Kazami-Ryu
Day 3: Kata-ashi-sakasa-zuri, Kazami-Ryu
Day 4: Hikyaku-zuri (Kazami-Ryu)
Day 5: Newaza (Kazami-Ryu)

January: Performance at the Fetterati Club in Madrid with the gorgeous Xenkor’s partner Thalia.
Year 2011
September: Tuition under the guidance of Osada Steve Sensei from Tokyo.
Workshops organized by Kurt at Club Social Rosas5 (Barcelona, September 2010 and 2011). It was an 80 hours total tuition divided between public lessons of small groups and private lessons.
I’ve assisted Osada Steve Sensei as his translator in all workshop classes.
Workshop I program (for beginners): 3 rope Osada-ryu Takatekote. Some Gote variations and Kazami and Yukimura techniques.
Workshop II program (for intermediate riggers): Gote-Shibari, Hishi-Nawa variations and Yukimura-Ryu techniques.
Professional Workshop Program: (for people with advanced knowledge and who master to achieve 3 rope Osada-Ryu TK while blindfolded): It was an intensive course oriented to those who’d perform in front of an audience or simply wish to learn a little more.
The emphasis was held on Teppo-Shibari, Hojo-Hishi-Nawa, Futomomo-zuri, Sakasa zuri, Aomuke zuri and progressive suspensions techniques.
Year 2010
September: Tuition under the guidance of Sensei from Tokyo.
Workshops organized by Kurt at Club Social Rosas5 (Barcelona, September 2010 and 2011). It was an 80 hours total tuition divided between public lessons of small groups and private lessons.
Workshop I program (for beginners): 3 rope Osada-ryu Takatekote. Some Gote variations and Kazami and Yukimura techniques.
Workshop II program (for intermediate riggers): Gote-Shibari, Hishi-Nawa variations and Yukimura-Ryu techniques.
Professional Workshop Program: (for people with advanced knowledge and who master to achieve 3 rope Osada-Ryu TK while blindfolded): It was an intensive course oriented to those who’d perform in front of an audience or simply wish to learn a little more.
The emphasis was held on Teppo-Shibari, Hojo-Hishi-Nawa, Futomomo-zuri, Sakasa zuri, Aomuke zuri and progressive suspensions techniques.
Author’s Note: I’ve assisted both Professional Workshops by suggestion of Osada Steve Sensei. The one who has accepted to guide my path is my Sensei Osada Steve. In every chance I received tuition under other teacher was always by his suggestion to do so, or because they’ve been assigned to replace his presence at any particular Workshop.