Shibari Attack: LasciBA at La Cigale

Buenos Aires City community always amaze visitors with new proposals. There are always new events in this sleepless city. Among the traditional business buildings and once the deafening roar of the crowd are gone, some places open their doors to let that so special Buenos Aires night begin.

LasciBA producers contacted to participate in a special night that they were planning at the wonderful venue “La Cigale” located downtown Buenos Aires. Once again Shibari Attack group was present there and ropes flew all over La Cigale’s second floor. Suddenly a large group of curious and astonished spectators gathered around as our ropes embraced our three rope models making them part of a living structure that melted with La Cigale’s furniture and structures.

After that and having our Shibari Attack art in the background we were pleased with the gorgeous performance of Wicca Producciones girls that raised even more that hot scene while Berger Muzik rocked us all with his awesome music.

It was an amazing night where the communion of other arts transported us, and where ropes became main protagonists of the night. You can see the photos KinbakuMania Dojo camera took of that moment bellow. There will sure be more photos of the many photographers that were present at that moment, we will be glad to add them to our albums as soon as they share them with us and give them their credit for their art.

Shibari Attack is a group of artists that celebrate their passion for shibari by enhancing the spontaneity, the unexpected and surprising moments where they are able to create rope art in the blink of an eye in creative and unusual places. All these is built in a quick and vertiginous way, in such a manner that graphical testimonies are not always able to portrait it’s simple but yet intricate, fast but paused and ephemeral adrenaline rush. Due to the collective nature and joint action that Shibari Attack implies, it drives individual protagonism (both from riggers, models, photographers, and artists in general) to fade leaving place for the creativity beauty to shine from the group as a whole.


[wppa type=”album” album=”150″][/wppa]


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