Yukimura Haruki o cuando descubrí el arte del Shibari Kinbaku (Por Tinchor) Wednesday March 3rd, 2021Thursday July 13th, 2023Tsubaki When Yukimura Haruki passed away, I attended a memorial session in his memory, led by his student and my future Sensei, Haru Tsubaki. [...]
Remembering Grand Master Yukimura Haruki sensei Friday March 3rd, 2017Monday April 16th, 2018Tsubaki Comment It’s been a whole year since my beloved sensei Yukimura Haruki left us. It seems like it was yesterday I’ve been practicing in [...]
Osada Steve interview by SM Sniper Friday March 3rd, 2017Tsubaki Comment The following interview at Osada-ryu HQ was conducted by SM Sniper shortly after grandmaster Yukimura Haruki had passed away (March 3, 2016). [...]
Photo Shibari Session with Shibari in Love at the Noise Room Tuesday August 16th, 2016Saturday February 17th, 2018Tsubaki Comment Some weeks ago I’ve accepted our friend’s Mariano Candy proposal to perform for a professional photographic session for his artistic project named Shibari [...]
Osada Steve’s Aiko Book Monday September 9th, 2013Tuesday October 13th, 2015Tsubaki Comment Please visit Mr Osada Steve’s website to read the original book preview in English at TokyoBound on this link and on this link too. [...]
DemonSIX talks to Osada Steve (長田スティーブ) of Studio SIX Friday May 11th, 2012Monday October 5th, 2015Tsubaki Please visit Mr. Osada Steve’s web site to read the original interview on TokyoBound in this link: Enjoy! [...]
Shibari Kinbaku (part IV): The Learning Path Wednesday December 28th, 2011Tuesday February 20th, 2018Tsubaki Comment Shibari Kinbaku (part IV): The Learning Path This post is devoted to the loving memory of my loved friend Kurt Walter Fisher [...]
Osada Steve Profile Sunday January 2nd, 2011Monday October 5th, 2015Tsubaki Comment Please visit Mr Osada Steve’s website to read the original updated version of this profile on TokyoBound in this link. Enjoy! Osada [...]