KinbakuMania Shibari Dojo third anniversary Sunday May 21st, 2017Saturday February 17th, 2018Tsubaki Comment On past May 18th we celebrated the third anniversary since the first time that HaruTsubaki Sensei started her teaching path in Buenos Aires Argentina, [...]
Osada Steve interview by SM Sniper Friday March 3rd, 2017Tsubaki Comment The following interview at Osada-ryu HQ was conducted by SM Sniper shortly after grandmaster Yukimura Haruki had passed away (March 3, 2016). [...]
Shibari Kinbaku at Internet Age Monday December 14th, 2015Thursday December 31st, 2015Tsubaki Comment We’re living in an age were we wake up every day to an Internet connected life. We love, we eat, we meet each [...]
October 3rd – Kurt Walter Fischer Memorial Monday September 21st, 2015Tuesday October 13th, 2015Tsubaki Comment Almost 4 years ago, when we were reunited together and about to start a new Osada Steve Sensei workshop in the Rosas5 in [...]
Rope sessions incidents Wednesday September 9th, 2015Saturday February 17th, 2018Tsubaki Comment We’ve always mentioned in our posts how risky ropes may became, even when some people still continue thinking of them as harmless and [...]
Wykd Dave interviews Osada Steve Friday April 17th, 2015Monday April 27th, 2015Tsubaki Comment Please visit Mr Osada Steve’s website to read the original article in English at TokyoBound on this link. Enjoy! An interview [...]
My Meaningful Journey into Shibari/Kinbaku Sunday September 21st, 2014Tuesday November 11th, 2014Tsubaki Comment I’m always looking forward to expand my vision on Japanese culture beyond ropes, and during this last two months trip to Japan I’ve [...]
Closing Cycles Tuesday May 27th, 2014Friday September 18th, 2015Tsubaki 2 Some days ago I’ve assisted to Tokyo Sensei Nawashi Kanna’s workshop in Barcelona organized by Alfil. He happens to be one of those [...]
Discovering a Dojo Sunday March 30th, 2014Tuesday August 11th, 2015Tsubaki 4 I would like to share with all of you today a very lovely experience. I loved it very much and keeps on gratifying [...]
Osada Steve’s Aiko Book Monday September 9th, 2013Tuesday October 13th, 2015Tsubaki Comment Please visit Mr Osada Steve’s website to read the original book preview in English at TokyoBound on this link and on this link too. [...]